Tuesday, July 19, 2011

29 weeks

29 weeks

Fuzzy and faded. Perhaps a reflection of my state of mind last night at the hospital, but not a fair depiction of the how I've felt this past week (great).

A little bit of bleeding sent me in to the Birthing Centre twice in the past few days. As I have negative blood they have been treating any bleeding with caution, although it has only been small amounts each time and I've been cleared each visit. The first time around I instinctively felt that everything would be fine and we were lucky to see our very supportive midwife and a gentle doctor. Last night, however, our midwife was attending to a lady who was birthing and we were sent upstairs to the understaffed and sterile delivery suite - a completely different atmosphere to what we've been fortunate enough to experience in the Birthing Centre. This time we waited in plastic chairs in a corridor, were given a bottle of water as an afterthought, met with a 'very busy' doctor, and left hours later having been offered very little comfort and a mumbled explanation. I've been at home today resting, feeling a little drained.

However, a lovely thing to come out of each visit was being able to listen to the little one's galloping heartbeat. I'll never tire of that sound or the feeling of a little body bounding around in the belly.

As I mentioned, apart from this experience, I've felt great. A little more energy than usual and I think my mini meals are doing wonders for the indigestion! I've been practising relaxation and visualisation with this fabulous CD and book each night (K will often join in too), and sometimes get the opportunity to close my office door at lunchtimes and stretch out on my yoga mat. I look forward to these practices every time and feel it doing wonders for my state of mind. I'm just hoping to feel rested and healthy for when the time comes to birth. Getting closer...


  1. Glad all is good for you and bebe, sounds like an unpleasant experience.
    (Damn you're so slim with such a cute bump! Jealous!)

  2. Not long to go now. How sweet! Tis no good to hear about the bleeding but very glad all is a ok xx

  3. still so very little and compact. xo m.

  4. sorry to hear about your hospital visits, hope you're feeling better. oh, and i actually kind of like the fuzziness of this shot. x

  5. Oh, shit, this sucks! I'm so happy to know that everything is fine for you and baby. We are "sisters" because this also happened to me. The first time at 20 weeks and another time at 24 weeks. Basically, it was like a nose bleed but, um, you know where ;) Nothing bad for the baby or me...just a "nervous breakdown" on our way to the hospital. Take care xox

  6. Oh lady you poor thing with all the extra stress. Take care. Kellie xx PS VERY nice looking bump!

  7. I had something similar early on, too. So very stressful but often nothing to be worried about.... Glad you're in the clear and can help your Mum get started on that lovely quilt!! xx
