Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It's a little crazy to admit that last Sunday was the first time I left the house to have a little coffee date with Just Me.

I've been lucky that K has always been confident in caring for Sassy. And I've never had to knock back dinners with friends. But I just haven't used my 'free' time to be by myself.

In the end it was only about 45 minutes that I spent sitting down, flipping through a magazine and enjoying every sip of a creamy flat white. But it was enough. After a long week with a Little One who is still trying to shake a pesky cough, it felt like a big deep sigh to just sit down, knowing I had time ahead of me to be quiet, watch, read, indulge...

I tell you, though, at the same time, I missed those two terribly.


  1. Not crazy at all, I'm the same, whenever I get time to pop out of the house when Paul watches the girls, I always find myself either running errands that are hard to do with the girls in tow or I wind up in the children's clothes section at the shops :) My hair appointments every ten weeks are my real 'me' time when I sit with a cuppa, flick through some magazines...and like you, think constantly about my girls :)

    1. Funny you say that, as i did have to pop into a small shopping centre on my way home for some groceries - and picked up a few cute things for Sassy at Target at the same time! Oh yes, hair appointments are GOLD. Although, I really like my hairdresser, so we end up talking the whole time and I always forget to drink my tea and feel too rude to flip through a magazine!

  2. Oh those moments are so special aren't they. And it's amazing how good a 45 minute solo coffee can be. Glad you enjoyed it x

    1. So good! Now every time I see a lady solo in a cafe I'll be thinking, wonder if she's a mama on free time! x

  3. Sounds simply divine! I need one of these - stat! (And I am the same as Amanda who commented above - whenever I have free time I madly run around doing errands, or I end up buying children's clothes!) x

  4. Yep, never before has me time been so restorative!

    1. Exactly! I think it's given me a surge that might last a few weeks....

      ....ok, let's be realistic here. It certainly perked me up for a few days! x

  5. It's amazing how restorative a 45 minute coffee can be! One of my favorite things to do by myself xx

    1. I'm going to have to make more of an effort to do this I think x

  6. I like Joannas true! I bet that coffee tasted so good all by yourself. The first time I left Skye was at 9 months when I went to a yoga class. I remember it being "restorative" but I also had terrible separation anxiety. I thought it would be a bit different second time round...but I still can't bear the thought of being a part from her at almost six months. xx

    PS. Lovely photos of Saskia below. She's gorgeous.

    1. There's a bit of push/pull happening, isn't there? It's almost a guilty pleasure to have a cup of coffee by yourself or go to a yoga class, whatever it may be.

      On another note: oh my, Joy is 6 months?! x

  7. I know what you mean! I often get out for dinner but never have an hour of me time! So glad you relaxed and enjoyed it. So important. xx

    1. And I come home from dinner with girlfriends buzzing and energised, rather than rested and relaxed! Both great feelings, but nice to have a balance, yes? x

  8. I'm glad to hear that you had some time to yourself : ]
