Saturday, July 7, 2012

Winter holiday - Part II

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Cairns in Winter + esplanade with water playgrounds and shady parks is a baby and toddler holiday heaven.

Aside from a little trip to Palm Cove, we spent most of our week on the Esplanade. We stayed with my Aunt and Uncle who lived at one end of the stretch, and each day we'd stroll up to Muddy's (children's water play area and park) and watch the Little One delight in splashing about. After the second day it didn't seem necessary to break habit and we settled into a happy little pattern. Is that how holidays with wee ones become relaxing?

Lovely memories: Saskia's infatuation with the neighbours' silky grey cats and 7 year old Jeff (when we told K he was genuinely envious), early evening walk through the Cairns Botanic Gardens (always beautiful and so much pattern inspiration), solo bike ride up to the pier to people watch (lovely hour of me time), the fullest of passionfruits, fresh rice paper rolls and local yogurt at Rusty's, giggle fits in the stroller, floating leaf boats down the stream at Muddy's...

But, oh, we missed K. Although the Little One's reaction when she caught sight of her Papa at the airport made it worth being apart for a week....almost.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Let's just say I'm not a Winter person, Gemma! x

  2. it certainly is a beautiful part of the coast. the top photo is breath taking and your little one is completely adorable. xo

  3. Looks divine...and warm...I need that!
    Saskia looks adorable

    1. It sure was. And enough time away to really enjoy it. Hope you get the chance to do a dash up north :) x

  4. Thanks for the Cairns tips... yep, I think you might be on to something. Now to just find a beautiful and cheap little cottage to house us for the week!

    1. Will look forward to your holiday tales then! x

      (ps. If it helps, Edge Hill, near the Botans, looked lovely and lush if you can't get near the Esplanade)

  5. so many lovely moments. I do love a good homecoming. The Mr was away this week and seeing the preschooler run to him at the airport calling, 'daddy!' is the sweetest thing.
