Sunday, October 27, 2013


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Talking to the cockies of the village.

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a two year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


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Peepo through the ladder.

The birthday girl at her party. Highlights were having (most of) her favourite people all in the one place and (junk) food related (fairy bread and cake). I'd love to post a little more about her birthday and party in the coming week...

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a two year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series

Sunday, October 13, 2013


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I couldn't bring myself to post the photo of poor Sassy, puffy and red-eyed with a nasty bout of conjunctivitis on her second made me so sad. Even though she smiled the whole day.

I took her out for a special birthday babycino and then we met Dada, JanMa, Grandfather (Glanflarla) and Vovo in town for a ride on the carousel. I'll never forget the way she sat with a back so straight and a beaming smile ever so wide. My beautiful, beautiful two year old.

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a two year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series

Sunday, October 6, 2013


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She paints with either hand, mouth open and spare hand waving in the air. The new (to her) easel was an early birthday present.

The final portrait as a one year old. I love where this project has taken me and I look forward to capturing her life as a two year old. My manual photography (and blogging) has taken a backseat lately as I've been busy establishing a Project Life album (and just doing Life...and making a baby). Looking back on these portraits I am reminded how precious they are, how glad I am to have taken the time to capture these moments, and how much they speak of our Little One.

Favourites from the second half of the project:
There's something that feels so olde worlde here
The change
Sweetness in a knitted bonnet (K's favourite)

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a one year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series


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The Foreshore offered all kinds of adventures: the delight of running barefoot on springy grass, throwing stones in the water (again), stone sculptures to scramble up...

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a one year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series


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We couldn't tear this one away from the river...until she heard there was birthday cake on offer....

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a one year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series


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In Vovo's backyard on the big girl scooter.

A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, as a one year old.

Taking part in Jodi's weekly portrait series