Friday, June 1, 2012

Eat Grow Clap

It feels as though there has been a lot of growing and changing in the last 2 weeks.

We spied another little pearly white peeking through her bottom gums last weekend, and on the same day, K is claiming that she spoke her first word. Dada. The Little One has certainly been much more talkative lately - dadas, mamas, ffffffs, brrrrrs - but until then she hadn't really directed her words at either of us specifically.

K had returned to the bedroom where we were both cuddling under the doona, and as he stood by the side of the bed she looked straight at him. Dada. Clapping (her other trick).

*Softie being munched arrived in the mail yesterday...cute giveaway loot from Ms Milky - thank you!


  1. i don't think there's anything cuter than a clapping baby x

  2. Sounds like you Little One is at exactly the same place as my Little One. Such a lovely stage. I can't get enough of the clapping. x

    1. People keep telling me it just gets better, but I do think there's something pretty sweet about the 7-8 months x

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh yes, she was pretty chuffed with the giveaway win!

  4. exciting times! Enjoy! They really do grow up too fast...

  5. Hope she likes it! Looks like it?? :)
    How cute is the clapping? Can't get enough x

    1. Yep! Loves it. Threw her whole body behind munching that Foxy. Nice handiwork lady x

  6. Can she get any cuter?!?! I LOVE that stage where they launch their mouth at everything with great gusto - so funny and so cute! I'm a little jealous of your hello milky fox softie - definitely going on the xmas list for E! (Or maybe the hello pillow will go on my list, hehe!) x

    1. Yes! The gusto launch! Hilarious. At first I thought it was just Sassy's quirky little crazy personality, but having seen a few other babies do something similar (and know hear you mention it!), I realise it's not (too) weird! The Milky shoppe does have some cute things - think E would agree x

  7. Clever little poppet!! We've found lots has happened over the past few weeks too... Sophie's first two teeth, crawling (not conventionally but moving lightning speed nonetheless) How exciting to hear that first word and clapping too - well done Saskia!! x

    1. Isn't it lovely and amazing? I bet it still blows you mind the second time around. Go Sophie! x
