I've noticed quite a lot of spider webs around the village lately, and I'm embarrassed to admit that I tend to scamper past them with my head down, eyes closed and fingers crossed that I won't feel the scurry of little legs on my neck. It must look a little strange if you're watching from afar.
A lovely colleague at the gallery flicked me the link to this beautiful series of mended spider webs the other day which I'm hoping will help me overcome my fear. Nina's careful work and fractured patterns astound me, but what I find most interesting is the behaviour of the spider who rules the web.
I think I'll try and look up a little more on my wanders and try to imagine those little spiders as clever makers and artists rather than the creepy pests I've been imagining all this time...
Congratulations. You have won my vintage tablecloth cushion cover raffle as part of the Queensland Flood Appeal Auctions
Please let me know your address and I can send it off to you. My e-mail is in my complete profile on my blog.
Sorry to post a comment but I couldn't find your e-mail address.
Cute pics of the spider webs:)
Hee hee! The title 'Incy Wincy' caught my eye.... it's one of my son's favourite songs! ;) I sing it to him during nappy changes so that he doesn't grizzle.