Saturday, June 11, 2011





My memory is notoriously bad, so I'm pretty pleased that I've been keeping track of my pregnancy through this blog. It's been a great way to document changes and reflect on various aspects of this remarkable/crazy/beautiful process of growing a baby.

As lovely as it is to be able to scroll through photos and text, I have to admit I'm a 'flick through the pages of real albums' kinda gal. I'm hoping to print most of the photos and rewrite some of the posts from this blog and include them in a baby book for the little one.

My parents kept a baby book for me - a simple, foolscap lined scrapbook, covered in sweet baby gift wrap with the hospital portrait placed proudly on the front. When I was young, I spent many hours pouring over these pages which were filled with photos, nicknames, my drawings and baby cards. I loved the thought that my parents found all these keepsakes and memories so important and worth treasuring.

I already have a baby book ready for the little one but fancy the idea of also keeping this book from Kikki K for a day-to-day record of the first year. Have you kept baby books/memory boxes for your little one? Or seen any other lovely ways of recording these special times?

Ps. You would have thought that I could have been a little kinder to my poor exhausted parents on Christmas Eve...


  1. How special. The scrapbook feel seems much more personal than a blog... the kiki k book is a great idea. maybe I'll start, too. better late than never.

  2. You were born on christmas eve?!? I was born in the wee hours of Christmas day! How funny is that? In the very first photos that exist of me, I'm wearing a santa hat. My poor parents. On to the memories... I don't have kids yet but i treasure the baby book that my mom kept for me. I think it's the sweetest thing you can do for your kids. xx

  3. I think it's so lovely to have all that detail and to pass similar thoughts on to your baby is so sweet. I think through blurb you can make books from blogs that could help translate it into real pages?
    oh and thank you so much for the help with Details! I had a quick squiz and couldn't see it though, perhaps I am getting the name wrong? Did you perhaps have a link I could follow?
    How exciting though, the book depository is my biggest weakness!
    I hope you are feeling good : )

  4. This is a lovely keepsake for your kids when they are older.I had no journals for my elder two, just some photos in tattered albums (must re-do them!). I did get a journal for the third, which I manage to keep kind of up to date. I just forget a lot of the memories too easily :(

  5. I had baby books for both and despite all my sworn promises about neglecting the second, the first born's is more detailed!
    I also write each girl a letter periodically (every couple of months or so) that covers what they've been doing over that little bit - milestones, funny things they've said, ways they've broken (mean things said to them in the playground) and repaired (unsolicited sister hugs and snuggles) my heart and I even relate the mistakes and and worries I have - part and parcel of parenting with any degree of thought - and since I'm not proposing to give these to the girls until they have kids themselves, I'm hoping they will have the maturity to forgive any of the major stuff ups and appreciate my candidness. She says with hope in her voice.

  6. My mum kept a book like this for me when I was a baby, it has all our birth, christening and first birthday cards in it with a little note about the presents received and things like that. i've done the same for Matilda and I need to get on to Polly's. I had a 'proper' baby book for Matilda but I was pretty hopeless so I gave up on it and didn't even try with Polly (i'm counting on my blog for that too!).

  7. Wow, how amazing to have that book of your first year! That's so special. I jotted a few things down about my daughter, but really I should do more - and soon, before I forget it all. My parents had the most conflicting reports about how we were born and what we were like as babies. Kellie xx
